Tuesday 28 February 2012

World Directors - Baz Luhrmann by Pam Cook

The following paragraph has been taken from the book 'World Directors - Baz Luhrmann by Pam Cook.' Introduction page 1-2.

"One of the interesting aspects of Luhrmann's work is its relationship to the event movies that have become a significant feature of contemporary Hollywood and of global media production generally. His films do not exactly fit the high-concept blockbuster category described by Justin Wyatt and others though they have elements of such phenomena. For example, they rely on honed-down classical storytelling and simplified characters: they rework the boundaries of genre; they emphasise image and music: they abound with knowing references to other movies and media: they are design-led, tying in their distinctive visual and aural style to channels of communication spanning television, video games, DVDs, Cd's, the press, publishing and the Internet: and they feature big-name stars and spectacular display - all of which is geared to maximising box office returns and ancillary revenues."

I like this quote because it really does display how extravagant Luhrmann's films are and how he attracts his audience. His films don't fit perfectly into mainstream cinema, he gives them an extra quirk and creates visually stunning  imagery.

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