Saturday 25 February 2012

Moulin Rouge - Comments and Reviews

"Luhrmann's technique is flamboyantly operatic...he creates visual miracles."

"There are more volatile or seductive shades of red than even Toulouse Lautrec might have dreamed of...Mr Luhrmann has the eye of an artist."

"Baz Luhrmann displays often amazing resourcefulness as he mixes a multitude of film and song styles to relate his quintessential tale of la vie boheme."

"Spectacularly drenched in colour, decor and other visual oh-la-la."

"This tragi-comic musical is Luhrmann's most audaciously innovative feature, one that creates its own heightened worls, aggressively defying historical autheticity and the established conventions of Hollywood musicals."

"One of the few movies out there worth watching several times, just because of the sheer visual and musical enchantment."

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