Wednesday 29 February 2012

Here are the three trailers for the red curtain trilogy films.

Tuesday 28 February 2012


The following quotes are taken from 'World Directors - Baz Luhrmann' by Pam Cook.

I have found these quotes important in my research either because of the detail about his work or just information on his work in Australian and Mainstream cinema.

'Luhrmann's last three films, because of their relatively big budgets and the fact that he has a first-look agreement with 20th Century Fox, are often regarded as Hollywood productions: only Strictly Ballroom is defined and perceived as Australian' (Introduction page 2)

'In the context of the Australian film industry. Luhrmann's production set-up is unusual, if not unique. Bazmark inc. the company set up in 1997 by Luhrmann and his wife and chief collaborator, designer Catherine Martin, is an independent production company primarily based in the Sydney house.' (Introduction page 3)

'Luhrmann's career, spans throughout theatre, opera, fashion and music production as well as film-making.' (Introduction page 3)

'His primary aim is to engage audiences by creating something unexpected from the familiar. Postmodernist is a label that has been applied to his films.' (Introduction page 3)

'Luhrmann uses classical story construction, in which the outcome is often already known. The shocking and the new lie in the way the story is told, in broad strokes using cartoon-like imagery, clashing genre conventions and a histrionic acting style that do not chime with cinematic realism. The 'look' of the films is similarly overheated, with a dramatic use of colour design that complements the fast editing pace and overtly mobile camera.' (Introduction page 3)

The Red Curtain Trilogy

When investigating the 3 films that make up the Red Curtain Trilogy, the question always comes to mind - Why are the films called the red curtain trilogy?
This webpage explains clearly.

Website -

Short internet page giving a little information about each of Luhrmann's films.

World Directors - Baz Luhrmann by Pam Cook

The following paragraph has been taken from the book 'World Directors - Baz Luhrmann by Pam Cook.' Introduction page 1-2.

"One of the interesting aspects of Luhrmann's work is its relationship to the event movies that have become a significant feature of contemporary Hollywood and of global media production generally. His films do not exactly fit the high-concept blockbuster category described by Justin Wyatt and others though they have elements of such phenomena. For example, they rely on honed-down classical storytelling and simplified characters: they rework the boundaries of genre; they emphasise image and music: they abound with knowing references to other movies and media: they are design-led, tying in their distinctive visual and aural style to channels of communication spanning television, video games, DVDs, Cd's, the press, publishing and the Internet: and they feature big-name stars and spectacular display - all of which is geared to maximising box office returns and ancillary revenues."

I like this quote because it really does display how extravagant Luhrmann's films are and how he attracts his audience. His films don't fit perfectly into mainstream cinema, he gives them an extra quirk and creates visually stunning  imagery.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Pam Cook - Baz Luhrmann

This book by Pam Cook is brilliant and something that will be guiding me through writing my dissertation. It focuses purely on Luhrmann's work. It is a great secondary source to help me.

Timeline of Luhrmann's work

Moulin Rouge - Comments and Reviews

"Luhrmann's technique is flamboyantly operatic...he creates visual miracles."

"There are more volatile or seductive shades of red than even Toulouse Lautrec might have dreamed of...Mr Luhrmann has the eye of an artist."

"Baz Luhrmann displays often amazing resourcefulness as he mixes a multitude of film and song styles to relate his quintessential tale of la vie boheme."

"Spectacularly drenched in colour, decor and other visual oh-la-la."

"This tragi-comic musical is Luhrmann's most audaciously innovative feature, one that creates its own heightened worls, aggressively defying historical autheticity and the established conventions of Hollywood musicals."

"One of the few movies out there worth watching several times, just because of the sheer visual and musical enchantment."

Romeo and Juliet - Comments and Reviews

"A sexy, innovative and memorable sumptuous feast for eye and ear."

"Luhrmann's gleefully cinematic version of the play is so relentlessly inventive and innovative, it takes 20 minutes to get a grasp on how appropriate is his approach to the material."

"Luhrmann's flamboyant direction pumps new life into a well-known, much adapted tale."

"Luhrmann bombards us with startling images, audacious camera tricks and breathtaking order to recreate the overwhelming experience of adolescent love."

"Deeply entertaining, from the gripping opening to the breath-taking finale."

"Luhrmann and his two bright angels have shaken up a 400-year-old play without losing its touching, poetic innocence."

"Fast-paced and juiced-up version of this classic drama."

Strictly Ballroom - Comments and Reviews of the film

"Listen to the rhythm of your heart in Strictly Ballroom, where tears and laughter blend seamlessly in an extravagantly theatrical story about love, dreams and overcoming your fears"

"Though made for a fraction of Moulin Rouge's budget and with no big stars, Strictly Ballroom is the better film in every way."

"The editing is superb. All too often we focus on the actors, music or cinematography. This is natural, and in this film all of these are superb. But keep a close watch of the editing, wow, it is perfect and ties the whole film together flawlessly. There are so many cuts that make the perspective magical."

"The attention to detail in the direction is fantastic; each scene is done with glistening sense of bewilderment and beauty."

"The style is consistent - campy. The acting is wonderful. The editing and rhythm are superb. The music is engaging."

"An outstanding movie in nearly every regard. Filmed in Australia on a tight budget, this movie succeeds in the one area that counts most; it entertains the viewer."


My title for this dissertation will be 'The Red Curtain Trilogy: The distinctive style of Baz Luhrmann'
My dissertation will look into the 3 main films that Baz Luhrmann has directed. I will discover why they are called the Red Curtain Trilogy, why there were released in the order they were and the similarities and differences between the three films.
I will also investigate the distinctive style of Luhrmann, his visual and technical styles.

Spider Diagram


I have decided to write my dissertation about Baz Luhrmann, because I am a huge fan of his 3 extremely well known films that make up the red curtain trilogy. I wanted to write about him because he is my favourite director and I love his visual style and the input he puts in to really create the reality for the audience.