Sunday 25 March 2012

Intro and Strictly Ballroom

I have written the introduction and my analysis on Strictly Ballroom, I have found when I am writing, I am going back to notes and researching a little more whilst writing, this is helping keeping all the info fresh in my mind

Thursday 8 March 2012

YouTube videos

I have found these videos which are quite interesting to find out more about the film and what the actors thought.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Linking Quotes

I have decided when writing my dissertation, to lead into the next film analysis I will use quotes from the book, World Directors: Baz Luhrmann, by Pam Cook.

I believe by using quotes it leads nicely and adds evidence to what I have just spoken about, these are the following quotes;

“Strictly Ballroom broke new ground by crossing over between traditional art cinema and commercial genre movies, re-energising both in the process”

“As with Strictly Ballroom, Luhrmann created a complex texture of images, sounds and cultural references that produced an effect of timeless zone where now and then, here and now are merged.”

“Once again Luhrmann took on a major challenge: to breathe life into the musical and to give contemporary relevance to the period setting, while making a definitive statement about cinematic style.”

Saturday 3 March 2012

Propp Theory

When looking at The Red Curtain trilogy, the propp theory fits perfectly to all of Luhrmanns films. I have used Strictly Ballroom as the example when looking into narratives in my dissertation. Scott Hastings is the hero, Barry Fife as the villian, Rico as the donor, Doug Hastings as the dispatcher and finally Fran as the princess/reward.

As you can see this theory fits perfectly within Strictly Ballroom, and the other film narratives can fit within this theory.